Monday, November 8, 2010


Well, it seems as if the party is officially over. I haven't had to do one assignment this semester, apart from copious amounts of reading. I have a small paper due thursday, about which I really don't know what I'm writing, so I guess I'll just have to see how it goes.
I went to London on Friday with a few friends, and we had a great time. We saw all the tourist attractions we wanted to see (the Tower of London, Big Ben, the Houses of Parliament, Westminster Abbey, the British Library, Buckingham Palace) besides a few that we didn't have time or energy for (St. Paul's Cathedral and the British Museum). I suppose we can always go back, while we're in the country. It was just a little sad how fleeting our moment in London was- we spent the better part of 12 hours doing our thing, but it wasn't nearly enough time to get a real feel for the city. I think I could spend weeks there and not see everything.
So, since I have been home, I've been researching this paper on the 'Captain Swing' riots in Southern England from late 1830 to earlyish 1831. Unfortunately, I am still confused about the referencing system, the paper format itself, the online journal finding system, and the turning-in-your-paper system. Literally, nothing is the same as researching is at Malone. So that's frustrating. Fortunately, by the time it's due Thursday morning, two BCA girls and I will go to a conference in Northern Ireland, in Derry. We won't be back till Sunday, so that should be a lovely little holiday, though we will be in seminars and discussions the whole weekend.
I'm still frustrated with my savage building-mates, who like to raise a hellish cacophony most nights in the courtyard outside my window, and blast their crap-pop music at all times of the day or night. Fortunately, the rules that they are supposed to follow concerning the respect of other people in this building are more like guidelines, as no one feels like enforcing them. Another example: people weren't supposed to park outside out building on the small drive that leads to our building's entrance. It took one fire drill and at least another two real fire alarms to make someone post a sign telling the idiots not to park there. And the fire brigade had to tell them that how many times before anything was done?
So, life in Cheltenham has it's ups and downs. Starbucks being closed at 6:30pm everynight certainly constitutes another 'down', for the record.
I need to eat and study. Bye.

P.S. I remember when I was in elementary school, I got in an argument with the pre-teen workaholic in my class that the spelling of the word you say to someone when ending communication with them was "b-y" instead of her goofy "b-y-e". In due time I figured out she had been right. I don't think I've talked to her since.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry that there seems to be more downs than there is ups. At least according to this blog. Hope it's gotten better by now!
