Monday, September 20, 2010


Fifth day in England. Already past the shock and awe of being in England. Everyone is getting settled in quite nicely. Freshers (Freshmen) moved in to our building yesterday, so that certainly adds much more to the cultural landscape of Regency Hall. There are 30 of us Americans in Regency and 69 British students all told, and we are really only getting started to know them. However, we've met lots more of the locals throughout town in our various escapades the past five days. Everything is seeming more realistic now; the Romantic notion of this semester seems to be slowly filtering out of my brain at least, and as I can see, most other American brains in the BCA program anyways.
The culture I am experiencing is truly amazing. Not that I agree with everything (like I ever would anywhere, even in the States) in English culture, but it is just so great to be able to experience everything here. Also, within our BCA group and on my flat there are people from elsewhere in Europe and Africa, and that is creating a stimulating many-sided cultural shape in my daily thoughts and conversations. At any time, I can talk to someone from any range of heritages. It's wonderful.

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