Thursday, September 16, 2010

First day in England

Traveling was long and tiring. By the time we got to our rooms, and I was able to sufficiently smell myself before showering, I was certain that my deodorant had stopped working some time in the past 15 hours. What a wonderful shower. All 28 people in the BCA Cheltenham program assembled for some introductory information and pizza, and I was afterwards able to get everything out of my bags and set up my room. It is wonderful having this room. All to myself, and my own bathroom, to boot. All through my last trip this summer I wanted to simply put my underwear and socks into a dresser or drawers. Now that I have completed said action, I feel complete.
So about nine of us just went to a Mexican restaurant a few blocks away: Chiquito. Mexican food on our first night in England- I know, I thought it was terribly ironic as well. Other than slight confusion as to how we pay, where to put the tip, how much to tip if at all, and how to avoid looking like stupid American tourists, dinner went off without a hitch.
Then we realized that we were in England, because it had started pouring outside halfway during our meal. Unbeknownst to us, a rain storm had swooped down on Cheltenham.
Next time, I'm bringing a dagum umbrella.

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