Thursday, June 10, 2010

Acco and Football.

Had an excellent day. Wrote the beginnings of a short story in the morning, went to Acco with Dave after that. Toured the crusader fort there, walked on the ramparts, and at at the most famousest of hummus restaurant in Acco. Menu: hummus with beans or hummus with chickpeas. Excellent foodage. Really enjoyed the Knights Templar tunnels and fortress. Unfortunately most of the Knights Hospitaller's fortress is in the Med.
Had dinner with Beth and some friends (excellent foodage yet again) and finished the day with about an hour and a half of football, or what we Americans call soccer. About ten guys from the kibbutz played with us- including two brothers I had had dinner with before the game. It turns out I'm not a terrible goalkeeper, if I do say so myself =)
However, my leg is killing me so I may take it easy tomorrow. I think I pulled a thigh muscle hiking two weeks ago. It was really a lot of fun though. Its a shame more people don't play soccer in America. When I go to England in the fall I'll have to make sure I get good enough to play with the peeps from the area.
World Cup stuff starting on the TV. Excited to be here and in Europe during it. I'm sure more people will be excited about it here and in Europe than in the States. Its funny to see the different country's flags all around- each village has their favorite team. Seeing some German and mostly Brazilian flags.
I really need to take a shower. I played hard. And I'm bushed. Not sure what I'm doing tomorrow. I really don't want to leave Israel. I feel like I'm just starting to really feel at home here. It has been about three and a half weeks, by far the longest I've ever been outside of Canton. By the way, Acco is Canton's sister city. So it was pretty neat visiting there- I'm sure not many Canton natives make it out there. It's quite the proverbial hike. I am excited for Europe though. Probably more excited for the 4th of July celebrations at Blossom, where the Cleveland Symphony plays the 1812 Overture and the cannons go berzerk at the end, and there are a thousand American flags in every direction. I'm so excited for the cannons.

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