Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Last day in Israel

Today is a big day for me. Tonight I am taking a train from Akko to Ben Gurion airport, and in the morning I will fly to Frankfurt to meet up with the Chorale. So today is my last real day in Israel. I don't know if I will ever be back, but I sure hope so. I've really come to love this country. This has really been a good experience. It all just seems a bit surreal- I feel as though it will take me years to understand what I have learned and how my life has changed while in Israel. I've also been thinking about going into the Peace Corps next year after Malone. I can't really say whether or not this is really going to happen- the idea is relatively new in my mind and I still have much to think about, as far as traveling, the future, and school is concerned. I wouldn't mind taking a few years off from school before grad school. I don't know.
Currently listening to Blackout by Muse on Youtube. Pretty bummed they are playing in Columbus this fall, when I will be in England, so I will miss them. But please, please, please, if you live in Ohio, go see them for me. I'm terribly sad I will miss them.
Israel, yes. I highly encourage anyone that has the chance to go. Really, I think traveling anywhere outside the States is beneficial. It really affords an opportunity to look on American culture and lifestyle that doesn't exist in America itself. Plus, experiencing other people's ways of life is so valuable, it is really something you couldn't imagine until you see it. I have seen a lot in my month here, though I am sure it would take years to fully see everything in this little country.
Alright, I'm off to Germany.

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