Thursday, December 30, 2010

Home, Christmas, Headaches

I've been waking up with headaches fairly often this past week. I've been attacked with continual waves of zits. Must be stress. I still have 5 papers waiting to get done for my classes in England, though I've been home for a week and a half. I'm going to go to Camp Gideon today for a day or two to write my next short story, though I have a feeling this one will be longer. It will encompass everything.
I've been building its structure in my mind for about four months, though I've only been really focusing on it for about three weeks. I think it will be my best work yet. No, I know so. I just need to get away from society to write it. I was so isolated in England for so long that being thrust back into American culture and everything that used to be familiar has changed my perspective on those very things.
This story will be a testament to change, change forced upon us.

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