Thursday, May 6, 2010

10 Day Countdown

So I leave in ten days. I'm fairly terrified, as there are about 5,403,745 things I need to do before I leave. May 16 I'm going to Israel for a month with a Malone group led by Dr. Phinney, and then shooting up to Frankfurt in June and touring Germany, the Czech Republic, and Austria with the Malone Chorale led by Dr. Donelson.
I've never been out of Canton for longer than two straight weeks before. I feel like Frodo when he leaves the Shire after living there his whole life. I guess Canton is kinda like the Shire. Except  that the Football Hall of Fame is way less awesome than Mathom-house at Michel Delving.
I'm definitely procrastinating. But health insurance is a good idea. I think I should go get some.

1 comment:

  1. Frodo can't go anywhere without Sam, just so you know. I hope you have a wonderful time!
