Saturday, May 22, 2010

Saturday Things

Wellllll today was a lond day. Went to Bethlehem and visited the Church of the Nativity. It was really fancy and done up for the most part so I had a hard time seeing through all the crap and experiencing it for what it was worth. Also the people inside (just like in the Holy Sepulchre) treated the place like it was an amusement park. The tourism here is so stupid. There's all this Jesus merchandise and it makes me sick. Israel's religious sites all come together to make what I think is a Christian Carnival. Thankfully the Jewish and Muslim sites aren't obnoxious, although there are still at least 50 menorahs per tourist junk shop. Between all the crap and all the tourism I'm having a rough time enjoying some sites for anything more than a history lesson. Maybe that's all that can be learned here for me. Going to church tomorrow though so that may be good.


  1. That's really disappointing about the tourist-y stuff. But it sounds like you're having a good time and learning a lot. Skype soon?

  2. Hi Jonathan ... just left you a post on the previous blog. Jerusalem & it's surrounding areas (Bethlehem, Hebron etc) are very touristy - but I do hope you can see past that and appreciate them for their historical & biblical value. Here up north it's quite different. we are planning to take you to loads of different kind of places. Looking forward to hearing from you. Is there no way yo can call us? Skype us?

  3. I'll work on the skype possibility =) the computers on campus don't have a camera but I may be able to bum a laptop off someone.

  4. Jon! ugh that would make me sick too. it's too bad the historical value of it all has to be taken advantage of. have you started classes yet?

  5. that kind of sucks. But take a step back and ask what God's purpose is for you at each of these sights. It may not be exactly what you think - try not to focus on expectations but open yourself up to God's will. (Big words I know, maybe one day i'll be able to do it too. lol.)

  6. sugar, as encouragement. At times, it could be hard to see what the place is really about. The tourists, the people wanting your money: 5 dolla! 5 dolla!, is never a good thing to fall into; but,in most cases, just being there where Jesus walked, healed, and did many miracles, is exciting just in itself. When I went to the Pool of Bethesda, Just imagining the pool being filled up to the brim, and allll the people surrounding it, waiting at the edge just to be the first to jump in, because they had so much faith, and waiting for the angel to stir up the waters, was just mind boggling. I know the church in Bethlehem was hard to picture, because like you mentioned, it was very touristy. That one was hard for me as well. How do they know this is the EXACT place. they don't. But it's just the thought that, my Jesus, was born in that city. somewhere. And just to be in that city, was good enough for me. Be encouraged. If you are able to take your Bible with you to the places, Open up before you get there and just read the passage of the site you're about to go to. It really opens up your mind and heart, and it makes it even more real. The site that you're at, is real and it's written down in the Bible. Also, something that I did when I was there: The places that I went to, I licked my finger, stuck it in the dirt and rubbed it on the passage in the Bible of the place it describes. That way you have proof, and a reminder of what you've seen, and experienced. CAPTURE (i love that word) this place. It might be the first and last time you go. This is where Jesus was and walked and did many miracles. OUR JESUS. :)

    LY and MY <3
