Monday, May 24, 2010

Weekend Jazz

Didn't really do much this weekend. Other than Saturday of course. Yesterday we went to a Lutheran church. It was alright. I didn't know what to do during communion- I didn't know I had the option of dipping the bread into the wine the pastor was holding or taking a sip from the little cups of juice instead. So I did both. You know me, never wanting to cut corners. Then met a guy at the church who was my friend from Malone's youth pastor a while back. Definitely a small world.
After the service we took a "leisurely" walk on the ramparts, which didn't quite turn out leisurely. It took an hour and a half to get from the Jaffa gate, North, around the New gate, the Damascus gate, and all the way East and South to where the rampart walk ended at the temple mount (where the Dome of the Stone is). Then we proceeded to walk all the way around the Kidron valley (dowwwwn in it) and then hike back up along the southen section of the wall back to the JUC, where we are staying, past the Zion gate. Needless to say I took a shower afterwards.
Today is our first exam. I guess I should be studying but I really feel like I've got it down. All it is is geological, geographical, and historical stuff. Shouldn't be hard. Breakfast sounds like a good option too. I'm still trying to soldier through The Brothers Karamazov. Not quite on the right pace to finish it by the time I get home in late June, unless I suddenly at some point find loads of time to read, which sounds at this point very unlikely.
Ho-hum. better study and eat. Shalom.

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