Wednesday, May 12, 2010

It Is Becoming Very Real

As of now, I won't even be in the country five full days. The plane takes off Sunday night. I feel as though I am running out of time. Not enough of it to get packing done, get the things I need, make money, spend time with family and a few friends.
On Saturday I went to a feast (that's the best word that came to mind- I did eat a whole styrofoam cup full of baked beans- delicious! I got a lot of weird looks...) at Camp Gideon near Mechanicstown, Ohio, and on the drive there and back I couldn't help but soak in all of the natural beauty of my home state. For all that we Ohioans complain about our weather, we really do have it good. Just drive around for ten minutes in Southern Ohio. Or, preferably, hike in the wooded hills and go fishing for carp with chicken guts. I really am going to miss home a lot when I leave Sunday. On Saturday it became very real to me that I am going to be gone for 45 days.
Tomorrow (technically later today) is going to be a big day. I'm doing my final shopping trip at Walmart and Salvation Army. I have lots of loose ends to tie up. Then England in the fall. I've got a lot to look forward to. I'm just trying not to get too anxious.

1 comment:

  1. This is so awesome jon - I'm really happy for you. I'd love to travel this much but I admit to not really 1. having more 2. having the bravery to leave everyone I care about for that long. I hope this experience teaches you and helps you grow as a person.
