Monday, May 17, 2010

In Jerusalem

Just arrived in Jerusalem. Traveling was rough... 11hour4minute flight. Most of the movies in the In-Flight entertainment thing sucked. Slept maybe an hour tops. But its so great to finally be here. We landed in Tel Aviv around 5 and took a bus here. Other than lugging our luggage up half a mile (by what was I think the East wall) to the Jerusalem University College (where I am now) its been great. Just ate some awesome dinner. I need a shower and to brush my teeth. Badly. Later.


  1. ah!! soo excited for you! sorry about the lack of good movies. but woohoo you're finally there!! :) now go shower. seriously.

  2. yuk! LONG flight - i get really sick on airplanes so that would have been terrible for me! Glad you made it there safe!
